elixir umbrella app

Testing External Requests in Elixir? Roll Your Own Mock Server

What should you do when testing Elixir code that makes web requests to an external API? We don't want to let our code make those requests during a test run––we'll slow down our tests and potentially use up API rate limits. We could mock such…

Building an Elixir Umbrella App with Phoenix and React: Part III

## Building a Phoenix 1.3 with React + Redux AppYou can check out parts I and II here [https://www.thegreatcodeadventure.com/building-an-elixir-umbrella-app-part-1/] and here [https://www.thegreatcodeadventure.com/building-an-elixir-umbrella-app-react-part-2/]. Building the Phoenix Child App Our Phoenix app will be pretty simple. It will take in a list of song ISRCs,…

Building an Elixir Umbrella App with Phoenix and React: Part II

Building a YouTube API Client with Elixir In Part I [building-an-elixir-umbrella-app-part-1] of this series, we learned about umbrella apps, and designed the archicture of our brand new umbrella app. Our umbrella app is responsible for communicating with YouTube regarding the state of song deliveries. It will have two child apps.…