Go provides robust support for concurrent programming. Using goroutines and channels, we can ensure that our program works on more than one task in a given time period. This is perfect for scenarios in which we need to process large sets of data in a timely manner and report on the results of this processing back to the caller.
In this post, we'll use goroutines, channels and WaitGroups to process a "bulk user registration" request.
This post was inspired by my learnings from Federico León's course, Golang: The Ultimate Guide to Microservices available on Udemy.
Concurrency is NOT Parallelism!
Before we get started, I'd like to call out an important distinction. When we talk about "concurrent programming", the words "concurrent" and "parallel" are often used interchangeably. However, they are NOT the same!
Concurrent code means that our program can work on more than one task within a given time period. How? By leveraging concurrent programing tools (in our case, goroutines and channels), the CPU will be instructed to switch between the execution of a set of tasks until all of the tasks are completed. The CPU can achieve this by allotting a certain time period to each task before moving on to the next, cycling back to any unfinished tasks for another "time slice" until each task is complete.
Parallelism, on the other hand, can only occur on a machine with multiple CPUs. For parallel computing to occur, the various tasks spawned by our program will have to be split up into different run queues across the different cores of our multiple CPU machine. In this scenario, tasks can be pulled off of these independent queues on each core at the same time and executed at the same time, i.e. in parallel.
As Go developers, we are responsible for writing code that is concurrent. Concurrency is a matter of application design, whereas parallelism requires a certain type of machine as well as certain language features.
While I'm new to Go, you can check out some of my earlier writing on concurrency vs. parallelism on the Erlang VM here.
Now that we understand this critical difference, let's write some concurrent code!
The App
Let's say we're responsible for building a Go service that registers students in some kind of school management system. An administrator can upload a list of students who have signed up for a given course and our service will register each student for that course. Our courses are, of course, wildly popular, and a student list for a course could be hundreds of students long.
Administrators taking advantage of our bulk upload feature can't wait around all day for our app to process each student registration in turn. They are far to busy administrating our extremely successful school and its many popular course offerings.
We need concurrency! We'll build a function that will accept a list of students to register along with the course for which they are signing up. Our function will spawn a set of tasks that will register students concurrently. Lastly, it will collect the results of all of the student registration attempts and report those results to the caller.
Let's do it!
The Code
You can view the final code for this post here
The RegisterStudents
We'll define a function, RegisterStudents
, that accepts two arguments, a slice of Student
structs, each describing a student to be registered, and the Course
struct, describing the course they are signing up for. It will return an entity that describes the results of every attempted student registration in the form of a RegisterStudentsResults
The Domain
Let's assume we already have the following structs defined in our domain:
Taking a closer look at the RegisterStudentsResults
struct we can see that it contains an attribute, Results
, which points to a slice of StudentRegistrationResult
Let's take a closer look at StudentRegistrationResult
The StudentRegistrationResult
struct will contain a StudentRegistration
struct instance in the event of a successful registration and an error in the event of an unsuccessful one.
Defining the Functions
Now that we have a handle on the entities we're working with, we're ready to define some functions!
Let's start with the signature of our RegisterStudents
We'll need to iterate over each student in the students
list and register them for the given course. Let's assume we have already built another function, RegisterStudent
, that knows how to register an individual student:
The RegisterStudent
function takes in an argument of the student and the course and returns a StudentRegistrationResult
struct, appropriately populated with the StudentRegistration
or the error returned from our doRegistration
helper function invocation.
The contents of doRegistration
aren't important here––we won't worry about what actually occurs when we register a student. For the purposes of this post, we're only concerned with the orchestration of our workflow.
So, given that we need our bulk registration function, RegisterStudents
, to iterate over the list of students and register each one, we could do something like this:
This approach will work just fine, but it's not concurrent. We're iterating over our list of students, enacting the registration function one at a time, and collecting the registration results in our RegisterStudentsResults
Adding Concurrency with Goroutines
A goroutine is a lightweight thread managed by the Go runtime. The main goroutine runs when we execute our Go program. But we can write code that spawns additional goroutines via the go
With go someFunctioncall()
, we are telling the Go runtime to create a new goroutine and to execute someFunctionCall
inside that goroutine. The spawned goroutine will run at the same time as the rest of the code in our main routine. In this way, we can write concurrent Go code.
We can make our workflow concurrent by spawning a goroutine for each call to RegisterStudent
. Let's do it!
There's only one problem with the code we have here. When we spawn a goroutine, we loose the ability to collect the return value of the function we are invoking in that routine. So we no longer have any way of collecting the results of each student registration attempt and returning those results from the RegisterStudents
We need a way for the code invoked in a given goroutine to communicate its result back to the main execution of our program, i.e. back to the RegisterStudents
Communicating with Channels
Luckily for us, we can do exactly that with channels! A channel provides a mechanism through which one goroutine can communicate with another. We'll use a channel to enable the goroutine running ConcurrentRegisterStudent
to send the result of registering a student back to the main RegisterStudents
Let's do it!
We'll start by initializing a channel outside of the iteration over our students slice:
We'll define a new function, ConcurrentRegisterStudent
, which accepts three arguments––the student, the course and the channel. This function will call RegisterStudent
and write the result of that function call to the channel:
Lastly, we'll invoke this function in a goroutine from within the students iteration implemented by RegisterStudents
Let's break down this workflow. The RegisterStudents
function iterates over the list of students to be registered. It spawns a goroutine for each student registration, making the channel available to that goroutine.
Each goroutine's call to ConcurrentRegisterStudent
will result in a message of type StudentRegistrationResult
being written to that channel.
Having written a message to our channel, we now need to make sure that the main goroutine reads the message from that channel.
Keep in mind that we are writing each individual StudentRegistrationResult
to our channel, but we want our RegisterStudents
function to return a RegisterStudentsResults
instance that contains the list of all of our results.
So, we'll need to listen for each message that gets written to the channel and collect all of the StudentRegistrationResult
We can do so by iterating over the range of the input
channel and reading each message:
For each StudentRegistrationResult
that gets read from the channel, we will append it to our RegisterStudentsResults
instance's Results
Once our iteration over the input channel's message concludes, we'll return the results.
But when will that iteration conclude? After all, our input
channel does not contain a set number of messages. Rather, we are listening to all of the messages that come in over that channel.
We'll return to this question in a bit. First, let's see what happens when we try to execute this code.
Dealing with Deadlock
We'll define the following main
function to execute our RegisterStudents
function with a list of students:
If we run our code:
go run main.go
We'll encounter the following error:
fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!
goroutine 1 [chan receive]:
main.RegisterStudents(0xc000074f30, 0x2, 0x2, 0x10d1a04, 0xb, 0xc00003a750, 0xc000074f50, 0x1004d8f)
/Users/sophie.debenedetto/personal-projects/go/concurrency-project/main.go:89 +0x140
/Users/sophie.debenedetto/personal-projects/go/concurrency-project/main.go:56 +0x6e
exit status 2
Oh no!
Let's add some logging to help us better understand at what point in the execution of our program we are encountering this problem:
If we run our program again, we'll see:
// ♥ go run main.go
Receiving result:
{{{Ben} {Intro to Golang}} <nil>}
Receiving result:
{{{Sophie} {Intro to Golang}} <nil>}
fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!
Interesting! We can see that our iteration over the messages written to the input
channel is working––we receive both messages written by both goroutines (the routines we spawned to process each student's registration).
Only then do we encounter our deadlock error.
This is happening because the action of reading from a channel is a blocking one--it prevents the next part of our program from executing. In its current state, our main execution thread will block while it waits to receive a message over the input
channel while our spawned goroutines are still running.
Once those two spawned goroutines are finished running, our program will raise the deadlock error. Our main execution thread is still waiting for messages over a now empty channel with no more running goroutines. In other words, its trying to wait for a message over a channel that will never receive any new messages. How hopeless and tragic!
Rather than waiting forever for a message that will never arrive (how romantic), our program considers this scenario to be a deadlock and raises the deadlock error.
In order to avoid a deadlock, we need to tell our channel to close once all of the spawned goroutines are finished executing and have successfully written their messages to that channel. In this way we can teach our main execution thread to stop blocking at the appropriate time and move on to the rest of the code flow.
In order to achieve this, we need to bring in one more Go concurrency tool--WaitGroups!
Introducing WaitGroups
We now understand that we need to tell our input
channel to close once the spawned ConcurrentRegisterStudent
routines have concluded. But how can we ensure that we close this channel only after those goroutines have finished running?
WaitGroups allow us to block the execution of our main function until any goroutines we've added to a given WaitGroup are done executing.
How does it work?
A WaitGroup maintains a count of the goroutines its waiting for. We're responsible for incrementing that count when we want a WaitGroup to keep track of a given goroutine. We're also responsible for decrementing that count when a given goroutine finishes.
Then, a call to WaitGroup's Wait
function in the main execution thread will block that execution until the WaitGroup's counter is back down to zero.
Let's start by establishing our WaitGroup and incrementing it accordingly:
Here, we increment our WaitGroup's counter every time we spawn a ConcurrentRegisterStudent
goroutine, via a call to wg.Add(1)
But when should we decrement that counter? We know we need to decrement it once a given goroutine running ConcurrentRegisterStudent
is done running. How do we know when that happens?
Well, the last thing that the ConcurrentRegisterStudent
function does is write the StudentRegistrationResult
to the input
So, we would know that the routine has finished if we read a message from that channel.
This presents a problem. We already know that if we try to read a message from the channel in the main execution function, RegisterStudents
, we'll run into a deadlock error.
So, we need a way to read from the input
channel in a separate goroutine. This separate goroutine will be responsible for iterating over the range of messages sent to our input
channel. Every time it receives a message over this channel, we will know that the goroutine that wrote that message is finished running. This is the moment in time to decrement the WaitGroup's count.
Managing WaitGroups in Goroutines
Let's define a function that will run in this separate goroutine now. Our function needs to read from the input
channel and decrement the WaitGroup's counter accordingly. Our function will also need to communicate back to the main execution's RegisterStudents
So, it will take in three arguments––the input channel from which it is reading, an output channel that it will use to send messages back to RegisterStudents
, and a pointer to the WaitGroup instance:
This function will listen to the range of messages being written to the input
channel. It will collect the results of each student registration message in order to return this collection back to RegisterStudents
. It will do so by establishing an instance of RegisterStudentsResults
and appending each result received over the channel to this instance's Results
Then, it will decrement the WaitGroup's counter, since our receipt of a message over the input
channel means that a goroutine has concluded:
Lastly, it will send results
, our fully populated RegisterStudentsResults
instance, over the output
channel, so that it can be read by the main executor––the RegisterStudents
Recall from our earlier discussion that the act of iterating over the range of input
messages is blocking. So, we won't proceed to write the results
to the output
channel until this iteration concludes. This iteration won't conclude until the input
channel is closed.
Before we take a look at where and how to close the input
channel, we'll see how we can call the handleResults
function from within RegisterStudents
We've established a new channel, output
, over which we can send messages of type RegisterStudentsResults
Then, with the call to go handleResults(input, output, &wg)
, we are spawning a new goroutine that will execute the handleResults
function with an argument of our input channel, our output channel and our WaitGroup. This goroutine is running and listening for messages over the input
channel, decrementing the WaitGroup's count with each received message.
Now that we have a mechanism for incrementing and decrementing the WaitGroup's count without encountering a deadlock, we can think about where and how to close our input channel.
We want the main execution of our code to block, or wait, until the WaitGroup count reaches zero. Then, we'll close the input
channel. We'll achieve this by adding our "wait and close" instructions to our main execution function, RegisterStudents
Then, once the input
channel is closed, we'll tell RegisterStudents
to read the message from the output
channel and return it.
One thing I'd like to call out here before we move on. Note that we've defined the handleResults
function to take in an argument of a pointed to an instance of type sync.WaitGroup. If we don't define our function this way, and pass in the memory address of the actual WaitGroup instance via &wg
, then our function would be operating on a copy of the WaitGroup instance. However, thanks to the call to wg.Wait()
in RegisterStudents
, our code will block until the original WaitGroup instance's counter is back to zero. So, if we allow handleResults
to operate on a copy of the wg
instance, rather than on the original instance, the wg.Wait()
line will never unblock, because the original WaitGroup instance's counter will never reach zero.
Putting It All Together
Let's break down this code flow:
- We establish an input channel, an output channel and a WaitGroup
- We spawn a goroutine to run
. This function is listening for messages over the input channel
- We iterate over the list of students to be registered, incrementing the WaitGroup's count for each student and spawning a goroutine to do each student registration
- While each goroutine runs, the main execution blocks thanks to
- Each time a goroutine sends a message over the
channel and finishes running, thehandleResults
function running in its own goroutine will collect the result and decrement the WaitGroup's count.
- Once the last
goroutine finishes running, the WaitGroup's count will be back at zero. - Our main execution will un-block, calling
to close theinput
- Once the
channel is closed, the for loop that is listening for messages over this channel in the goroutine running thehandleResults
function will stop. That function will then move on to its next step––writing the results to theoutput
- Those results are read from the output channel back in our main execution,
This read operation is blocking, so we won't move on to the last line of the function until a message is received. Once we do receive a message over the output
channel, the function will return that message, i.e. our RegisterStudentsResults
Only one thing is missing from our code flow. We need to ensure that the output
channel is closed before the RegisterStudents
function returns. We'll add a call to close(output)
to the defer stack of the RegisterStudents
This will ensure that after we read the message over the output
channel, but before the function returns, we close the output
Phew! We introduces a LOT of concepts and strategies in this post. Let's recap.
We had a concurrency problem to solve––we needed to write code that could process a set of student course registrations within the same time period.
To get there, we leveraged goroutines, channels and WaitGroups. We spawned a separate goroutine for each student registration and yet another goroutine responsible for collecting the results of each student registration routine. We used a channel that we called input
to send messages between these goroutines and we used a WaitGroup to block the main execution of our program until it was time to close that channel.
The close of the input
channel unblocked our "results collecting" routine, allowing it to send the completed result set to the main execution over another channel we called output
Our main execution then listened for messages over the output
channel, receiving the final results and returning.
The overall flow of communication could be modeled like this:

By using goroutines to execute concurrent operations, channels to communicate between those goroutines and a WaitGroup to synchronize and orchestrate these operations, we achieved a fast, reliable and concurrent program for registering large numbers of students at a time.
You can view the final code for this blog post and run the program yourself by cloning down this repo.