Elixir School: OTP Distribution

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Introduction to Distribution

We can run our Elixir apps on a set of different nodes distributed across a single host or across multiple hosts. Elixir allows us to communicate across these nodes via a few different mechanisms which we will outline in this lesson.

Communication Between Nodes

Elixir runs on the Erlang VM, which means it has access to to Erlang's powerful distribution functionality.

A distributed Erlang system consists of a number of Erlang runtime systems communicating with each other. Each such runtime system is called a node.

A node is any Erlang runtime system that has been given a name. We can start a node by opening up iex session and naming it:

iex --sname alex@localhost

Let's open up another node in another terminal window:

iex --sname kate@localhost

These two nodes can send messages to one another using Node.spawn_link/1.

Communicating with Node.spawn_link/1

This function takes in two arguments:

  • The name of the node to which you want to connect
  • The function to be executed by the remote process running on that node

It establishes the connection to the remote node and executes the given function on that node, returning the PID of the linked process.

Let's define a module, Kate, in the kate node that knows how to introduce Kate, the person:

iex(kate@localhost)> defmodule Kate do
...(kate@localhost)>   def say_name do
...(kate@localhost)>     IO.puts "Hi, my name is Kate"
...(kate@localhost)>   end
...(kate@localhost)> end

Sending Messages

Now, we can use Node.spawn_link/2 to have the alex node ask the kate node to call the say_name/0 function:

iex(alex@localhost)> Node.spawn_link(:kate@localhost, fn -> Kate.say_name end)
Hi, my name is Kate

A Note on I/O and Nodes

Notice that, although Kate.say_name/0 is getting executed on the remote node, it is the local, or calling, node that receives the IO.puts output. That is because the local node is the group leader. The Erlang VM manages I/O via processes. This allows us to execute I/O tasks, like IO.puts, across distributed nodes. These distributed processes are managed by the I/O process group leader. The group leader is always the node that spawns the process. So, since our alex node is the one from which we called spawn_link/2, that node is the group leader and the output of IO.puts will be directed to the standard output stream of that node.

Responding to Messages

What if we want the node that receives the message to send some response back to the sender? We can use a simple receive/1 and send/2 setup to accomplish exactly that.

We'll have our alex node spawn a link to the kate node and give the kate node an anonymous function to execute. That anonymous function will listen for the receipt of a particular tuple describing a message and the PID of the alex node. It will respond to that message by send-ing back a message to the PID of the alex node:

iex(alex@localhost)> pid = Node.spawn_link :kate@localhost, fn ->
...(alex@localhost)>   receive do
...(alex@localhost)>     {:hi, alex_node_pid} -> send alex_node_pid, :sup?
...(alex@localhost)>   end
...(alex@localhost)> end
iex(alex@localhost)> pid
iex(alex@localhost)> send(pid, {:hi, self()})
{:hi, #PID<0.106.0>}
iex(alex@localhost)> flush()

A Note On Communicating Between Nodes on Different Networks

If you want to send messages between nodes on different networks, we need to start the named nodes with a shared cookie:

iex --sname alex@localhost --cookie secret_token
iex --sname kate@localhost --cookie secret_token

Only nodes started with the same cookie will be able to successfully connect to one another.

Node.spawn_link/2 Limitations

While Node.spawn_link/2 illustrates the relationships between nodes and the manner in which we can send messages between them, its not really the right choice for an application that will run across distributed nodes. Node.spawn_link/2 spawns processes in isolation, i.e. processes that are not supervised. If only there was a way to spawn supervised, asynchronous processes across nodes...

Distributed Tasks

Distributed tasks allow us to spawn supervised tasks across nodes. We'll build a simple supervisor application that leverages distributed tasks to allow users to chat with one another via an iex session, across distributed nodes.

Defining the Supervisor Application

Generate your app:

mix new chat --sup

Adding the Task Supervisor to the Supervision Tree

A Task Supervisor dynamically supervises tasks. It is started with no children, often under a supervisor of its own, and can can be used later on to supervise any number of tasks.

We'll add a Task Supervisor to our app's supervision tree and name it Chat.TaskSupervisor

# lib/chat/application.ex
defmodule Chat.Application do
  @moduledoc false

  use Application

  def start(_type, _args) do
    children = [
      {Task.Supervisor, name: Chat.TaskSupervisor}

    opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Chat.Supervisor]
    Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)

Now we know that wherever our application is started on a given node, the Chat.Supervisor is running and ready to supervise tasks.

Sending Messages with Supervised Tasks

We'll start supervised tasks with the Task.Supervisor.async/5 function.

This function must take in four arguments:

  • The supervisor we want to use to supervise the task. This can be passed in as a tuple of {SupervisorName, remote_node_name} in order to supervise the task on the remote node.
  • The name of the module on which we want to execute a function
  • The name of the function we want to execute
  • Any arguments that need to be supplied to that function

You can pass in a fifth, optional argument describing shutdown options. We won't worry about that here.

Out Chat application is pretty simple. It sends messages to remote nodes and remote nodes respond to those messages by IO.puts-ing them out to the STDOUT of the remote node.

First, let's define a function, Chat.receive_message/1, that we want our task to execute on a remote node.

# lib/chat.ex
defmodule Chat do
  def receive_message(message) do
    IO.puts message

Next up, let's teach the Chat module how to send the message to a remote node using a supervised task. We'll define a method Chat.send_message/2 that will enact this process:

# lib/chat.ex
defmodule Chat do

  def send_message(recipient, message) do
    spawn_task(__MODULE__, :receive_message, recipient, [message])

  def spawn_task(module, fun, recipient, args) do
    |> remote_supervisor()
    |> Task.Supervisor.async(module, fun, args)
    |> Task.await()

  defp remote_supervisor(recipient) do
    {Chat.TaskSupervisor, recipient}

Let's see it in action.

In one terminal window, start up our chat app in a named iex session

iex --sname alex@localhost -S mix

Open up another terminal window to start the app on a different named node:

iex --sname kate@localhost -S mix

Now, from the alex node, we can send a message to the kate node:

iex(alex@localhost)> Chat.send_message(:kate@localhost, "hi")

Switch to the kate window and you should see the message:

iex(kate@localhost)> hi

The kate node can respond back to the alex node:

iex(kate@localhost)> hi
Chat.send_message(:alex@localhost, "how are you?")

And it will show up in the alex node's iex session:

iex(alex@localhost)> how are you?

Let's revisit our code and break down what's happening here.

We have a function Chat.send_message/2 that takes in the name of the remote node on which we want to run our supervised tasks and the message we want to send that node.

That function calls our spawn_task/4 function which starts an async task running on the remote node with the given name, supervised by the Chat.TaskSupervisor on that remote node. We know that the Task Supervisor with the name Chat.TaskSupervisor is running on that node because that node is also running an instance of our Chat application and the Chat.TaskSupervisor is started up as part of the Chat app's supervision tree.

We are telling the Chat.TaskSupervisor to supervise a task that executes the Chat.receive_message function with an argument of whatever message was passed down to spawn_task/4 from send_message/2.

So, Chat.receive_message("hi") is called on the remote, kate, node, causing the message "hi", to be put out to that node's STDOUT stream. In this case, since the task is being supervised on the remote node, that node is the group manager for this I/O process.

Responding to Messages from Remote Nodes

Let's make our Chat app a little smarter. So far, any number of users can run the application in a named iex session and start chatting. But let's say there is a medium-sized white dog named Moebi who doesn't want to be left out. Moebi wants to be included in the Chat app but sadly he does not know how to type, because he is a dog. So, we'll teach our Chat module to respond to any messages sent to a node named moebi@localhost on Moebi's behalf. No matter what you say to Moebi, he will respond with "chicken?", because his one true desire is to eat chicken.

We'll define another version of our send_message/2 function that pattern matches on the recipient argument. If the recipient is :moebi@locahost, we will

  • Grab the name of the current node using Node.self()
  • Give the name of the current node, i.e. the sender, to a new function receive_message_for_moebi/2, so that we can send a message back to that node.
# lib/chat.ex
def send_message(:moebi@localhost, message) do
  spawn_task(__MODULE__, :receive_message_for_moebi, :moebi@localhost, [message, Node.self()])

Next up, we'll define a function receive_message_for_moebi/2 that IO.puts out the message in the moebi node's STDOUT stream and sends a message back to the sender:

# lib/chat.ex
def receive_message_for_moebi(message, from) do
  IO.puts message
  send_message(from, "chicken?")

By calling send_message/2 with the name of the node that sent the original message (the "sender node") we are telling the remote node to spawn an supervised task back on that sender node.

Let's see it in action. In three different terminal windows, open three different named nodes:

iex --sname alex@localhost -S mix
iex --sname kate@localhost -S mix
iex --sname moebi@localhost -S mix

Let's have alex send a message to moebi:

iex(alex@localhost)> Chat.send_message(:moebi@localhost, "hi")

We can see that the alex node received the response, "chicken?". If we open the kate node, we'll see that no message was received, since neither alex nor moebi send her one (sorry kate). And if we open the moebi node's terminal window, we'll see the message that the alex node sent:

iex(moebi@localhost)> hi

Testing Distributed Code

Let's start by writing a simple test for our send_message function.

# test/chat_test.ex
defmodule ChatTest do
  use ExUnit.Case, async: true
  doctest Chat

  test "send_message" do
    assert Chat.send_message(:moebi@localhost, "hi") == :ok

If we run our tests via mix test, we see it fail with the following error:

** (exit) exited in: GenServer.call({Chat.TaskSupervisor, :moebi@localhost}, {:start_task, [#PID<0.158.0>, :monitor, {:sophie@localhost, #PID<0.158.0>}, {Chat, :receive_message_for_moebi, ["hi", :sophie@localhost]}], :temporary, nil}, :infinity)
         ** (EXIT) no connection to moebi@localhost

This error makes perfect sense--we can't connect to a node named moebi@localhost because there is no such node running.

We can get this test passing by performing a few steps:

  • Open another terminal window and run the named node: iex --sname moebi@localhost -S mix
  • Run the tests in the first terminal via a named node that runs the mix tests in an iex session: iex --sname sophie@localhost -S mix test

This is a lot of work and definitely wouldn't be considered an automated testing process.

There are a two different approaches we could take here:

  1. Conditionally exclude tests that need distributed nodes, if the necessary node is not running.

  2. Configure our application to avoid spawning tasks on remote nodes in the test environment.

Let's take a look at the first approach.

Conditionally Excluding Tests with Tags

We'll add an ExUnit tag to this test:

defmodule ChatTest do
  use ExUnit.Case, async: true
  doctest Chat

  @tag :distributed
  test "send_message" do
    assert Chat.send_message(:moebi@localhost, "hi") == :ok

And we'll add some conditional logic to our test helper to exclude tests with such tags if the tests are not running on a named node.

exclude =
  if Node.alive?, do: [], else: [distributed: true]

ExUnit.start(exclude: exclude)

We check to see if the node is alive, i.e. if the node is part of a distributed system with Node.alive?. If not, we can tell ExUnit to skip any tests with the distributed: true tag. Otherwise, we will tell it not to exclude any tests.

Now, if we run plain old mix test, we'll see:

mix test
Excluding tags: [distributed: true]

Finished in 0.02 seconds
1 test, 0 failures, 1 excluded

And if we want to run our distributed tests, we simply need to go through the steps outlined in the previous section: run the moebi@localhost node and run the tests in a named node via iex.

Let's take a look at our other testing approach--configuring the application to behave differently in different environments.

Environment-Specific Application Configuration

The part of our code that tells Task.Supervisor to start a supervised task on a remote node is here:

# app/chat.ex
def spawn_task(module, fun, recipient, args) do
  |> remote_supervisor()
  |> Task.Supervisor.async(module, fun, args)
  |> Task.await()

defp remote_supervisor(recipient) do
  {Chat.TaskSupervisor, recipient}

Task.Supervisor.async/5 takes in a first argument of the supervisor we want to use. If we pass in a tuple of {SupervisorName, location}, it will start up the given supervisor on the given remote node. However, if we pass Task.Supervisor a first argument of a supervisor name along, it will use that supervisor to supervise the task locally.

Let's make the remote_supervisor/1 function configurable based on environment. In the development environment, it will return {Chat.TaskSupervisor, recipient} and in the test environment it will return Chat.TaskSupervisor.

We'll do this via application variables.

Create a file, config/dev.exs, and add:

# config/dev.exs
use Mix.Config
config :chat, remote_supervisor: fn(recipient) -> {Chat.TaskSupervisor, recipient} end

Create a file, config/test.exs and add:

# config/test.exs
use Mix.Config
config :chat, remote_supervisor: fn(_recipient) -> Chat.TaskSupervisor end

Remember to uncomment this line in config/config.exs:

import_config "#{Mix.env()}.exs"

Lastly, we'll update our Chat.remote_supervisor/1 function to look up and use the function stored in our new application variable:

# lib/chat.ex
defp remote_supervisor(recipient) do
  Application.get_env(:chat, :remote_supervisor).(recipient)


Elixir's native distribution capabilities, which it has thanks to the power of the Erlang VM, is one of the features that make it such a powerful tool. We can imagine leveraging Elixir's ability to handle distributed computing to run concurrent background jobs, to support high-performance applications, to run expensive operations--you name it.

This lesson gives us a basic introduction to the concept of distribution in Elixir and gives you the tools you need to start building distributed applications. By using supervised tasks, you can send messages across the various nodes of a distributed application.

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Sophie DeBenedetto

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