Mocking HTTP Requests in Golang

Let's take a look at how we can use interfaces to build a shared mock HTTP client that we can use across the test suite of our Golang app.

This post was inspired by my learnings from Federico León's course, Golang: The Ultimate Guide to Microservices, available on Udemy.

The App

Let's say we're building an app that interacts with the GitHub API on our behalf. Users of the app can do things like create a GitHub repo, open an issue on a repo, fetch information about an organization and more. Our app implements a rest client that makes these GitHub API calls.

A simplified version of our client, implementing just a POST function for now, looks something like this:

You can see that we've defined a package, restclient, that implements a function, Post. That function takes in the URL to which we are sending the POST request, the body of the request and any HTTP headers. It uses the http package to make a web request and returns a pointer to an HTTP response, *http.Response, or an error.

The function body takes care of the following:

  • Convert the given body into JSON with a call to json.Marshal
  • Make a new http.Request with the http.MethodPost, the given url, and the JSON body converted into a reader.
  • Add the given headers to the request
  • Create an instance of an http.Client struct
  • Use the http.Client's Do function to send the request

Our Post function directly instantiates the client struct and calls Do on that instance. This leaves us with a little problem...

The Problem

Because our restclient package's Do function calls directly on the http.Client instance, any tests we write that trigger code pathways using this client will actually make a web request to the GitHub API. Yikes! This means we will be spamming the real with our fake test data, doing thinks like creating test repos for real and using up our API rate limit with each test run.

Further, relying on real GitHub API interactions makes it difficult for us to write legible tests in which a given set of input results in an expected outcome. We end up with tests that are less declarative, that force other developers reading our code to infer an outcome based on the input to a particular HTTP request.

So, how can we write clear and declarative tests that avoid sending real web requests?

We'll build a mock HTTP client and configure our tests to use that mock client. Then, each test can clearly declare the mocked response for a given HTTP request. But wait! In order to build our mock client and teach our code when to use the real client and when to use the mock, we'll need to build an interface.

We Need an Interface!

An interface is really just a named collection of methods. Any custom struct types implementing that same collection of methods will be considered to conform to that interface.

A struct's ability to satisfy a particular interface is not enforced. Instead, it is implied that a given struct satisfies a given interface if that struct implements all of the methods declared in the interface.

Interfaces allow us to achieve polymorphism––instead of a given function or variable declaration expecting a specific type of struct, it can expect an entity of an interface type shared by one or more structs. In this way we can define functions that accept, or declare variables that can be set equal to a variety of structs that implement a shared behavior.

If you're unfamiliar with interfaces in Golang, check out this excellent and concise resource from Go By Example.

So, what does this have to do with mocking web requests in our test suite?

We'll refactor our restclient package to be less rigid when it comes to its HTTP client. Instead of instantiating the http.Client struct directly in our Post function body, our code will get a little smarter and a little more flexible. We will teach it to work work with any struct that conforms to a shared HTTP client interface. Then, we will be able to configure our package to use the http.Client struct by default and an instance of our mock client struct (coming soon!) in any tests for which we want to mock web requests.

Let's Build It!

Step 1. Define the Client Interface

First, we'll define an interface in our restclient package that both the http.Client struct and our soon-to-be-defined mock client struct will conform to.

We'll call our interface HTTPClient and declare that it implements just one function, Do, since that is the only function we are currently invoking on the http.Client instance.

Note that we've declared that our interface's Do function takes in an argument of a pointer to an http.Request and returns either a pointer to an http.Response or an error. This is the exact API of the existing http.Client's Do function. We need to ensure that this is the case since we are defining an interface that the http.Client can conform to, along with our as-yet-to-be-defined mock client struct.

Now that we've defined our interface, let's make our package smart enough to operate on any entity that conforms to that interface.

Step 2. Define the Client Variable

We'll declare a variable, Client, of the type of our HTTPClient interface:

A variable of an interface type can be set equal to any type that implements that interface. Since http.Client conforms to the HTTPClient interface, we can set Client to an instance of this struct. Later, once we define our mock client and conform it to our HTTPClient interface, we will be able to set the Client variable to instances of either http.Client or the mock HTTP client.

Now that we've defined our Client variable, let's teach our restclient package to set Client to an instance of http.Client when it initializes.

We'll do so in an init function. Recall that a package's init function will run just once, when the package is imported (regardless of how many times you import that package elsewhere in your app), and before any other part of the package. Learn more about the init function here.

Our init function sets the Client var to a newly initialized instance of the http.Client struct.

Lastly, we need to refactor our Post function to use the Client variable instead of calling &http.Client{} directly:

Putting it all together, our restclient package now looks like this:

One important thing to call out here is that we've ensured that our Client variable is exported by naming it with a capital letter C. Since it is exported, we can operate on it anywhere else in our app where we are importing the restclient package. In other words, in any test in which we want to mock calls to the HTTP client, we can do the following:

Now that we understand what our interface is allowing us to do, we're ready to define our mock client struct!

Step 3. Define the Mock Client Struct

Since its likely that we'll need to mock web requests in tests for various packages in our app––tests for any portion of code flow that makes a web request using our restclient--we'll define our mock client in its very own package that can be imported to any test file.

We'll define our mock in utils/mocks/client.go. We'll start out by defining a custom struct type, MockClient, that implements a Do function according to the API of our HTTPClient interface:

Note that because we have capitalized the MockClient struct, it is exported from our mocks package and can be called on like this: mocks.MockClient in any other package that imports mocks.

Now we have a MockClient struct that conforms to the HTTPClient interface. It implements a Do function just like http.Client and we can configure the restclient package in a given test to set its Client variable to an instance of this mock:

But how can we ensure that a given test's call to restclient.Client.Do will return a particular mocked value?

We need to make the return value of our mock client's Do function configurable. Let's do it!

Step 4. Configure the Mock Client's Do Function

We'll define an exported variable, GetDoFunc, in our mocks package:

The GetDoFunc can hold any value that is a function taking in an argument of a pointer to an http.Request and return either a pointer to an http.Response or an error.

Next up, we'll implement the function body of the mocks package's Do function to return the invocation of GetDoFunc with an argument of whatever request was passed into Do:

Step 5. Using the Mock Client

So, what does this do for us? In ensures that we can set mocks.GetDoFunc equal to any function that conforms to the GetDoFunc API.

In other words, we can define an anonymous function that returns whatever canned response we want for a given test's call to the HTTP client. We can set mocks.GetDoFunc equal to that function, thus ensuring that calls to the mock client's Do function returns that canned response. Let's take a look.

First, we set restclient.Client equal to an instance of our mock struct:

Thus, when we invoke a code flow that calls restclient.Post, the call to Client.Do in that function is really a call to our mock client's Do function.

Next, we set mocks.GetDoFunc equal to an anonymous function that returns some response that will help our test satisfy a certain scenario:

Thus, when restclient.Post calls Client.Do, the mock client's Do function invokes this anonymous function, returning the nil and our dummy error.

Let's put it all together in an example test! Let's say our app has a service repositories, that makes a POST request to the GitHub API to create a new repo. We want to write a test for the happy path--a successful repo creation. Our test will look something like this:

Our test creates a new repositories.CreateRepo request and calls RepoService.CreateRepo with an argument of that request. Under the hood of this CreateRepo function, our code calls restclient.Post.

As it currently stands, we are not mocking anything, and the call to RepoService.CreateRepo in this test will really send a web request to the GitHub API. Oh no!

Let's configure this test file to use our mock client. Then we'll configure this specific test to mock the call to resclient.Client.Do with a specific "success" response.

We'll use an init function to set restclient.Client to an instance of our mock client struct:

Then, in the body of our test function, we'll set mocks.GetDoFunc equal to an anonymous function that returns the desired response:

Here, we've built out our "success" response JSON, and turned it into a new reader that we can use in our mocked response body with a call to bytes.NewReader.

Then, we set mocks.GetDoFunc to an anonymous function that returns an instance of http.Reponse with a 200 status code and the given body.

Now, when our call to RepoService.CreateRepo calls restclient.Client.Do under the hood, that will return the mocked response defined in our anonymous function. This ensures that we can write simple and clear assertions in our test.


Before we wrap up, let's run through a "gotcha" I encountered when writing a test for a function that makes two concurrent web requests. When we set mocks.GetDoFunc as above:

We are creating a Read Closer just once, and then setting the Body attribute of our http.Response instance equal to that Read Closer. Keep in mind that a Read Closer can be read exactly once. Like drinking a glass of water––once you drain that cup, its gone. You can't come back to the same glass and drink from it again without filling it back up.

So, if we use the approach above in a test that makes two web requests, which request resolves first will drain the response body. The second request's attempt to read the response will cause an error, because the response body will be empty.

In order to avoid this issue, we need to ensure that the Read Closer for the mock response body is dynamically generated each time mocks.GetDoFunc is invoked by our test run. So, we'll move the call to ioutil.Nopcloser into the body fo the anonymous function that we are setting mocks.GetDoFunc equal to.

Now, our test is free to mock and read the response from any number of web requests.


Let's recap what we've built before we wrap up.

By implementing an HTTPClient interface, we were able to make our restclient package flexible enough to operate on any client struct that conforms to the interface by implementing a Do function. This meant that we could configure the restclient package to initialize with a Client variable set equal to an http.Client instance, but reset Client to an instance of a mock client struct in any given test suite.

We defined a mock client struct that conforms to this interface and implemented a Do function whose return value was also configurable. This allowed us to set the return value of the mock client's call to Do to whatever response helps us create a given test scenario.

In this way, we are able to mock any web request sent by our restclient in simple, declarative tests that are easy to write and read.