How To Get Un-Stuck

This post is a preview of content you'll get by subscribing to Break In []––a newsletter for people learning to code, looking for their first dev jobs or working hard in those first jobs. Break In shares real experiences and advice from real devs… »

Coming Soon: Break In To Tech

I'm launching a thing! The Break In [] newsletter will share the resources, advice and experiences of bootcamp grads and self-taught programmers who broke into the tech world from lots of different backgrounds. It will provide answers to all the burning questions you have––whether… »

Listen to Steven. Learn Elixir.

Wondering what's with all the hype about this new-fangled programming language, Elixir? Check out my friend, former co-worker, future co-worker and all-around smart guy Steven Nuñez talk about why you should learn Elixir! The Rabbit Hole [] is an excellent… »

Check Out my Empex Talk on Phoenix Channels: The Right Way to Track Users in Real-Time

I attended Empex [] last year for the first time. Empex is an awesome, dynamic, inspiring, one-day Elixir conference. As an Elixir newbie, I had no idea what anyone was talking about. And I hated it! (Okay, I kind of loved it). It really gave me a kick… »

Ruby Custom Class Macros with Class Instance Variables

Class macros are class methods that are only used when a class is defined. They allow us to dry up shared code at across classes. In this post, we'll build a custom class macro that leverages class instance variables to define class-specific attributes. Shared Code at the Class… »