This is a guest post by Alex Griffith [],
originally published on the Flatiron Labs blog
[]. Alex is an engineer at The Flatiron School.
He is also an incredibly talented teacher who happens to have a hilarious
twitter handle [https://twitter.…
I attended Empex [] last year for the first time. Empex is an
awesome, dynamic, inspiring, one-day Elixir conference. As an Elixir newbie, I
had no idea what anyone was talking about. And I hated it! (Okay, I kind of
loved it).
It really gave me a kick…
In my previous post
[], we
used Phoenix Presence to track user presence in a given "challenge room" (think:
chat room). In this post, we'll build our own Agent-backed module to track
channel state that does not pertain to user presence.
Since I clearly cannot get enough of JWT
[] authentication
[], here's a look at how to
use it to authenticate your shiny new Phoenix API with a React + Redux front-end
application, using React Router 4.
In this post, we&…