Local or session storage in the browser might feel like the right place to store
a JWT [https://jwt.io/] when authenticating your client-side app against a
backend API. Maybe it feels like the right place because I told you to do that.
But its not right! Its wrong and…
JSON Web Tokens [https://jwt.io/introduction/], or JWTs, allow us to
authenticate requests between the client and the server by encrypting
authentication information into a secure, compact JSON object that is digitally
signed. In this post, we'll use the Joken [https://github.com/bryanjos/joken]
library to…
Since I clearly cannot get enough of JWT
[https://www.thegreatcodeadventure.com/jwt-auth-in-rails-from-scratch/] authentication
[https://www.thegreatcodeadventure.com/jwt-authentication-with-react-redux/], here's a look at how to
use it to authenticate your shiny new Phoenix API with a React + Redux front-end
application, using React Router 4.
In this post, we&…
In an earlier post
[https://www.thegreatcodeadventure.com/jwt-authentication-with-rails-ember-part-i-rails-knock/], we took
a look at JWT authentication in Rails, and implemented a JWT authentication
system using the Knock gem.
Here, we'll drop down a level and re-build our JWT authentication system from
scratch, without the help of the Knock…
This is a two-part post on building a JWT authentication system in a Rails API +
Ember front-end application. Part I will discuss implementing JWT auth from
Rails, and Part II
will illustrate one approach to implementing JWT auth in Ember, by customizing
the Ember Simple…