## Building a Phoenix 1.3 with React + Redux AppYou can check out parts I and II here
[https://www.thegreatcodeadventure.com/building-an-elixir-umbrella-app-part-1/] and here
Building the Phoenix Child App
Our Phoenix app will be pretty simple. It will take in a list of song ISRCs,…
In any application, you may need to track user involvement in real-time
features. In a gaming, chatting or otherwise real-time and interactive
application, we want to track things like which users are present in a
chat/game/live stream or who is typing a message/shooting aliens/streaming a
Since I clearly cannot get enough of JWT
[https://www.thegreatcodeadventure.com/jwt-auth-in-rails-from-scratch/] authentication
[https://www.thegreatcodeadventure.com/jwt-authentication-with-react-redux/], here's a look at how to
use it to authenticate your shiny new Phoenix API with a React + Redux front-end
application, using React Router 4.
In this post, we&…
The best things are real-time things, so I won't bore you with another
introduction on why we all need to build real-time features into our
applications. People want to chat and share files and collaborate on documents
and projects and put pictures of cats on things in real-time.…