
Building an Elixir Umbrella App with Phoenix and React: Part III

## Building a Phoenix 1.3 with React + Redux AppYou can check out parts I and II here [https://www.thegreatcodeadventure.com/building-an-elixir-umbrella-app-part-1/] and here [https://www.thegreatcodeadventure.com/building-an-elixir-umbrella-app-react-part-2/]. Building the Phoenix Child App Our Phoenix app will be pretty simple. It will take in a list of song ISRCs,…

Building a Simple CRUD App with React + Redux: Part I

Intro -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is Part I of a eight part series on building a CRUD application with React + Redux. You can view the code for this project here [https://github.com/SophieDeBenedetto/catbook-redux/tree/blog-post]. You can view the table of contents here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- React for EmbereƱos At the Flatiron…