
Listen to Steven. Learn Elixir.

Wondering what's with all the hype about this new-fangled programming language, Elixir? Check out my friend, former co-worker, future co-worker and all-around smart guy Steven Nuñez talk about why you should learn Elixir! http://therabbithole.libsyn.com/68-why-not-use-elixir The Rabbit Hole [http://therabbithole.libsyn.com/] is an excellent…

Check Out my Empex Talk on Phoenix Channels: The Right Way to Track Users in Real-Time

I attended Empex [http://empex.co/] last year for the first time. Empex is an awesome, dynamic, inspiring, one-day Elixir conference. As an Elixir newbie, I had no idea what anyone was talking about. And I hated it! (Okay, I kind of loved it). It really gave me a kick…

Building an Elixir Umbrella App with Phoenix and React: Part III

## Building a Phoenix 1.3 with React + Redux AppYou can check out parts I and II here [https://www.thegreatcodeadventure.com/building-an-elixir-umbrella-app-part-1/] and here [https://www.thegreatcodeadventure.com/building-an-elixir-umbrella-app-react-part-2/]. Building the Phoenix Child App Our Phoenix app will be pretty simple. It will take in a list of song ISRCs,…

Building an Elixir Umbrella App with Phoenix and React: Part II

Building a YouTube API Client with Elixir In Part I [building-an-elixir-umbrella-app-part-1] of this series, we learned about umbrella apps, and designed the archicture of our brand new umbrella app. Our umbrella app is responsible for communicating with YouTube regarding the state of song deliveries. It will have two child apps.…

Building an Elixir Umbrella App with Phoenix and React: Part I

Building an Elixir Umbrella App In this series, we'll builld out an Elixir umbrella app with two child applications. One of our child applications will be a Phoenix API with a React + Redux front-end. Another child app will build out a YouTube API client written in Elixir. In…