In any application, you may need to track user involvement in real-time
features. In a gaming, chatting or otherwise real-time and interactive
application, we want to track things like which users are present in a
chat/game/live stream or who is typing a message/shooting aliens/streaming a
Since I clearly cannot get enough of JWT
[] authentication
[], here's a look at how to
use it to authenticate your shiny new Phoenix API with a React + Redux front-end
application, using React Router 4.
In this post, we&…
The best things are real-time things, so I won't bore you with another
introduction on why we all need to build real-time features into our
applications. People want to chat and share files and collaborate on documents
and projects and put pictures of cats on things in real-time.…
Building Responsive Applications, Cleanly, is Hard
The first large (okay, more like medium) scale application I built in React was
pretty straightforward. It was a simple CRUD application for managing your very
own list of cats and their associated hobbies (so fun). Being so
straightforward, it wasn't too…
The Delete Cat Feature
This is Part VIII of a eight part series on building a CRUD application with
React + Redux. You can view the code for this project here
[]. You can
view the table of contents here